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Calabrese Green Sprouting

Green Sprouting Calabrese seeds

This variety does not produce the large central head of the hybrids but throws a profusion of individual spears over a long period starting in August.

Product Part No: 11001

Pack size: 600 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £1.90

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

When to Sow Green Sprouting Calabrese Seeds

April and May.

Where to Sow

Sowings can be made in trays or modules under glass at 13°C. Later sowings can be made into a seed bed in shallow drills 2cm (3/4") deep in short rows.

What to do Next

As soon as glasshouse seedlings show their first pair of leaves, prick off into trays 5cm (2") apart or thin modules to one seedling per cell. Gradually harden off before planting out, spacing plants 45cm (18in) apart between plants and 45cm (18in) between the rows. Outdoor sowings should be thinned to 7-10cm (3-4in) apart, then once plants are 15cm (6in) tall, they can be lifted and transplanted to their final planting positions, spaced the same as detailed above.


July to September

Handy Tip

Calabrese quickly goes from a green spear to a flower head. If you have too many to use, cut and freeze for winter use.

Nutritional Values

Excellent source of vitamins A and C and a good source of iron.