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Herb Catnep Perennial

Cats find this plant completely irresistible. It is used in their toys to make it even more fun for them.
We can also use it too. Dried catnep leaves makes an excellent tasting tea. It can also be used in sparingly in cooking or as a seasoning as it tends to have quite a bitter flavour to it.
Seeds by Suffolk Herbs

Product Part No: 80209

Pack size: 500 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £2.00

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

Sow Outside

In shallow drills in early spring. Cover with fine soil and water if dry. Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle. Prefers a light soil in full sun.


Harvest the young leaves before the flowers open.

Handy Tip

A herbal tea can produced using 1/2 of a cup of dried catnep, 3/4 of a cup of dried chamomile, 1 cup of dried lemon balm, 1/4 cup of dried mint, 1.4 cup of dried lemon grass.
Mix the herbs thoroughly, and store in an air tight container. For a cup of tea, use 2 tsp in a cup of boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes and strain out the herbs.


Leaves can be rubbed on meat to add flavour and shoots can be used in salads. The leaves contain vitamin C and can be used to soothe colds and fevers as catnep induces sleep. Can be used for headaches and upset stomachs, also applied externally will soothe scalp irritations.