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Herb Chives Garlic Perennial PPP A.Allium tuberosum B.GB40557 C.lot pkt D.GB

Garlic Chives, also know as Chinese Chives (Allium Tuberosum) are similar in habit to chives but the leaves are flatter and the flowers are white. It boasts a delicate flavour of garlic and onion whcih can be used in salads, soups, potatoe dishes or chopped with cheese or yoghurt.. Garlic chives have white flowers with flat solid leaves. The seed is black, faceted and pear shaped and contains a peppery taste. The plant has a distinctive growth habit with flat solid leaves unlike either onion or garlic, and straight thin white-flowering stalks that are much taller than the leaves. It grows in slowly expanding clumps, but also readily sprouts from seed. Besides its use as a vegetable, its very decorative from late August to September. Flowers can be cut and dried.
Perennial herb
Height: 50cm
Spread: 30cm

Product Part No: 80214

Pack size: 120 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £2.05

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

When to Sow Garlic Chives


Sow Outside

In shallow drills with a light covering of soil, soild needs to be rich, moist.  Soil should also be well drained, though the chives will tolerate a poorer soil.

Sow Inside

In spring/autumn direct into pot or container. Prefers full sun

What to do next

Thin plants to 9 inches apart, keep soil moist- especially in dry spells.  Divide and replant every four years.


The leaves may be cut at any time but do not cut more than half the leaves from any one plant and no lower than 5cm above the soil.


The subtle garlic flavor of Garlic Chives are perfect for use in uncooked dishes where raw regular garlic might be too strong or too spicy.

Handy Tip

Remove flowers for a better taste. When cutting chives enrich the soil to encourage a fuller, healthier plant.