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CHERVIL (Anthriscus cerefolium) Bi ORGANIC SEED

Organic Chervil Seed

A delicate looking plant with fernlike leaves. As a culinary herb, the leaves can be used instead of parsley as a garnish, and in sauces, omelettes and soups. Plant in partial / light shade. Although Chervil is short lived, it goes to seed rapidly. Seedlings make a good ground cover.
Very hardy.
Height 30cm.
Hardy Biennial
From Suffolk Herbs

Product Part No: OH61

Pack size: 600 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £2.25

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

Sow Outside

Best sown late summer In August/September for a winter and spring crop or sow in March to produce leaf in early summer. Scatter the seed where a patch is required and either rake in or very lightly cover with fine soil. Water well and keep moist until seedlings appear.


in rich soil which retains some moisture. Position in shade from midday sun if possible. Chervil will go quickly into flower if in a hot and dry site and will not produce much leaf.


the leaves any time. If August or September sown, the leaves are available through the winter.

Chervil is best used fresh. If dried it should be done very showly in an airing cupboard, until crisp.

Store in airtight jars and keep in a cool, dark store.

Use Chervil lavishly as you would Parsley. The French especially, use it this way. Use with chicken, fish and vegetables. Add to salads and soups. Chervil is an essential ingredient of bouquets garnish and fines herbs. A delicious soup may be made with Chervil. For maximum leaf production, Chervil should not be allowed to flower and must be kept well watered.