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Wildflower Mixture For Heavy Clay Soils

Wildflower Mixture For Heavy Clay Soils

All the wild flower seed listed in our Wild Flower Mixture is genuine native seed collected from either wild population or wild flowers grown on the nurseries (the seed originating from wild stock).
The basic grasses in our mixtures are not from wild stock but are suitable grasses recommended by English Nature. We include some native grasses where appropriate species are available.

This mixture contains 80% grass and 20% wild flower mix.

Contains 22 native species which are frequently found in grassland on heavier soils subject to occasional or seasonal water-logging.
Suitable for low lying areas on clays and silts, or locations with poor drainage.

Wildflower Native Species:
Bird's Trefoil,
Black Medick,
Buttercup Meadow,
Campion White,
Knapweed Common,
Knapweed Greater,
Lady's Bedstraw,
Oxeye Daisy,
Plantain Hoary,
Plantain Ribwort,
Salad Burnet,
Scabious Field,
Sorrel Common,
Wild Carrot,
Yellow Rattle.

Grass Species:
Browntop Bent,
Chewings Fescue,
Crested Dog's Tail,
Meadow Foxtail,
Rough Stalked Meadow Grass,
Sheeps Fescue,
Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass,
Sweet Vernal Grass,
Tufted-hair Grass.

Packet of 5g, covers approximately 1 square metre.

Product Part No: WF81021

Pack size: 5G

In Stock
Price: £1.83

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

PLEASE DO NOT scatter wild flower seeds in the countryside. Firstly, this is a very wasteful use of expensive and precious seed. Secondly, whereas it is quite appropriate and beneficial to have a varied collection of wild flowers in the garden, it might not be appropriate to establish many of these species in the countryside far from their natural habitats.

All conservation seeding on a small or large scale outside the private garden should be done in close association with your county Naturalists' Trust or English Nature.