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Spinach New Zealand

Technically, New Zealand is not a true spinach. It has a dwarf and trailing habit so it is important to pinch out the growing point to encourage bushiness. This type is not frost hardy so should be sown from May to August.

Spinach is a very tasty vegetable which can be used raw in salads, boiled or steamed. It is best eaten when picked young and as long as the leaves are picked regularly and young, they will remain tender and mild in flavour. When cooking spinach, the water left on the leaves after washing them is a sufficient amount for it to be cooked in.

Product Part No: 14404

Pack size: 50 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £1.95

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

When to Sow New Zealand Spinach Seeds

April to June

Where to Sow

Soak seeds for 12 hours before sowing. Early sowings can be made in trays of seed sowing compost under glass at a temperature of 15C . Cover seeds to own depth with sieved compost. Later sowings can be made direct into growing site 2cm (3/4in) deep.

What to do Next

Glasshouse sowings can be pricked out into trays spaced 5cm (2in) apart and gradually hardened off before planting out at distance detailed below after all risk of frost has passed. Direct sowings should be gradually thinned to 30-45cm (12-18in) apart with 60cm (24in) between the rows.


July to October

Handy Tip

The plants have a trailing habit, so pinch out the growing tip when 30-40cm (12-16") long to encourage side shoots.

Nutritional Values

A good source of pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, lutein and dietary fibre.