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HEARTSEASE or WILD PANSY (Viola tricolor)

The lovely tricolor pansy flower will bloom almost right through the first year. Use flowers in salads. Medicinal. They can be planted in sun or part shade and grow to a height of 15cm. Native.
The wild pansy, one of our loveliest wild flowers, has many names; Herb of the Trinity, Kiss me quick, kiss me Love at the garden gate. Love of Idleness, Three Faces under one Hood.

Product Part No: H110

Pack size: 75 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £2.15

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

Heartsease Seeds can be sown both inside and out.

Sow Outside

In spring or anytime till late summer. The seed is tiny so scatter on very finely raked soil and water well in with a fine rose germination is rapid.

Sow Inside

in a tray of peat compost. Water with a fien rose and do not cover seed. Cover tray with a sheet of glass and shade until germination.

GROW in a rich soil and do not allow to dry out.

SITE in full sun or some shade.

HARVEST the flowers when fully open for pot-pourri and the whole plant for medicinal use.

DRY by hanging in a dark, airy room or shed. Dry the flowers between sheets of blotting paper or in very finely sifted dry sand.Use the flowers for making wine, pansy flower syrup and pansy crystals.

MEDICINAL USES OF WILD PANSY: A teaspoon of the whole dried herb in a teacup of hot water with honey added is said to cleanse the blood and strengthen the nerves: drink 3 cups daily for a week. Pulverise leaves mixed with honey make a healing ointment. The wild pansy, one of our loveliest wild flowers, has many names. Herb of the Trinity, Kiss me quick, kiss me Love at the garden gate. Love of Idleness, Three Faces under one Hood.