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ALFALFA -LUCERNE 50gm ORGANIC SEED PPP A.Medicago sativa B.GB40557C.Lot pkt D.GB

Very nutritious and sweet tasting sprouts. 
Organic seed

Product Part No: OSP15101

Pack size: 50G

In Stock
Price: £2.75

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

When to Sow Alfalfa Seeds

All the year round

Where to Sow

In a salad sprouter or a large jar covered with muslin or with holes in the lid.

What to do Next

Soak the seeds for 8 hours, put them in your sprouter or jar and leave them out of the sun at room temperature. Rinse and drain them once a day and they will be ready to eat in 4-6 days.