How Compost Can Affect Germination
29 November 2024When growing from seed, the most important step is germination. They are 4 key factors that affect germination: Seeds, Water, Temperature and Compost.
• Seeds: Our seeds are all tested for germination, so we can guarantee good germination rates. Most seeds should last for a couple of years after being opened, as long as they are stored in the correct conditions.
• Water: We would strongly recommend using fresh tap water for seeds and young seedlings. If using stored rainwater from container such as a water butt, pathogens can sometimes build up inside which can kill the seeds and cause low germination rates.
• Temperature: Each type of seed you sow will have a preferred temperature needed to germination. Some require hight and light, and may benefit from being started in a propagator and other varieties may prefer cooler temperatures. Always check the growing guides online and on the packet, where we will advise the best time of year/temperature needed.
When germinating, the most common probably at the moment is compost. As peat is being taken out ahead of the ban, it may be hard to find a good alternative.
A lot of multi-purpose compost isn't great for sowing seeds. It can include a lot of green material, and a some brands also include a small amount of plant feed. The feed is great for plants, but feeding a seed before growing can actually kill the seed off. We would strongly recommend using a good quality, seed sowing compost. These are made specifically for sowing, and will result in better germination.
Our experts have done many trials recent on compost. This image shows the same seed variety being sown in the same conditions, but with 4 different brands of peat-free compost. As you can see, the germination levels vary massively from 0% - 100%.
Watch Andrew Tokely's video below explaining in further detail how compost affects seed germination.
*The video above does not include adverts.
We have now introduced our own seed sowing compost. Is comes in a small compact parcel which can easily be sent in the post, or stored until needed. You simply need to add 5 litres of lukewarm water, and the coco coir block expands to make up 15 litres of peat-free compost. It's perfect for seed sowing and cuttings. Our compost can be purchased and viewed here.