Mustard Spinach Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var perviridis)
The leaves of Komatsuna resemble turnip leaves with a spicy flavour which increases with maturity. Leaves can be used individually, seedling plants used whole or the flower stems can be picked when first produced. They are fast to produce, one month from sowing. Sow spring onwards and will survive winter with some cover.
The interest in what we have classed liberally as "Oriental Vegetables" increases every year. They can be used raw in salads, or lightly cooked for use in stir frys and numerous Chinese style meals. We hope you will be tempted to give something different a try.
Salad leaf can be grown all year round; outside in the spring, summer or autumn or under protection in the winter, even on your windowsill! To grow indoors ensure the developing plants receive plenty of light and are kept frost free. Then just cut off the leaves as required.
Product Part No: 31101
Pack size: 500 Seeds
In Stock