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Sweet Pea Matucana (Lathyrus)

Matucana Sweet Pea Seeds

  Highly scented

Matucana is an old-fashioned, grandiflora sweet pea, with deep purple and red flowers with a good tolerance to the summer heat, making it a good patio addition. An interesting fact about this variety is that it was originally found in Peru around 1543, and was introduced to Britain in the 17th Century.

Kings seeds recommend sowing seeds into a good quality seed sowing compost and water only with tap water. Do not use butt water as this can contain harmful pathogens, which can cause poor germination.

Product Part No: 76738

Pack size: 20 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £1.92

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

When to Sow Matucana Sweet Pea Seeds

September to April

Where to Sow

I sown in September or April, sow direct into the flowering site. Later sowings can be in pots with  5 seeds in each. Keep October,  November and March sowings in a cold frame, and January sowings in a heated glasshouse. April sowings direct to flowering site. Germination takes up to 3 weeks. Keep seeds moist during this time, making sure that they do not dry out.

What to do Next

Glasshouse raised seedlings should be hardened off during March, and then planted out in April, into the flowering site 15cm (6") apart. Thin direct sown seedlings to 10cm (4") apart. Pinch the tops after 2-3 true pairs have grown to encourage new growth and stronger shoots.


Late June to September


Provide sturdy support for plants. After a good rain, mature sweet pea plants will be heavy.